Some people can have everything in the world and stil complain
Some people can have every single thing they achieve and still complain
Some people can have their beauty and body and they still complain
Some people can have so much money and complain that the food is not good
Some people can have so much love and complain they do not have enough
Some people can have so much watsoever and still complain
These people complain...
I do not wish to say ...
Please, would you just not build your happiness on other people?
The poor do not complain
THe happy and satisfied do not complain
THe less rich do not complain
THe sufficient do not complain
THe ones that shout
The ones that speak louder than anyone else
The ones that scream
THe ones that shout
The ones that shoot
THe ones that complain
The ones that show their anger
THe ones that rebel
THe ones that accept
THe ones that are soft
THe ones that are polite
THe ones that tolerate
THe ones that compromise
THe ones that make action without uttering a word
THe ones that make it happen
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