yeah. we're all busy. you're busy im busy. everyone's busy. and life's like that. life's just like that. says who.
hello. :D
there comes a time where we'd just ponder on whether
what should be
and what should've been
or whether where i am now
what im doing now
or whether i should have been there
or whether i shouldnt be here in the first place
or whether i should be doing this
or i should've done that
it's not that we can use a time machine
and go back time
or reverse things
i've often thought of all of the above
whether im at the right place
am i doing it right
or should i have etc
bla bla bla
to come to think about it
im where i am today
doing what im supposed to do
im where i am for a purpose
not my purpose
for His purpose
its not an accident that i didnt come X country 2 years ago
where it was my dream to have come here earlier
to pursue my studies
i just didnt get the right grades
my life was a messs
i didnt achieve what i wanted
i didnt live the life i have always dreamt off
i didnt even act like one
i didnt live up to it
i didnt
i just didnt
i drifted off my duties
i drfited away from what i should be doing
i didnt.
i drifted
so far
so far i couldnt have imagined what i could be doing
at that period of time
i wasnt the person i thought i'd be
well that's normal you may say
oh no
it was far far beyond
i was down
i was thin
its as if i had no food to eat
when i had more than enough
its all these circumstances
that only God can change into victory and a message
a testimony
i lead that life for bout 3 years
didnt like it very much
tho i thought i was doing it right
ya... we know... teenage days...
rebellious as hell
never understood what life is
never understood how life is
never understood my existance
what on earth am i doing here for.'
to eat to live to work to die
meheh. tats all?
so wat?
so it was this circumstance
that turned into something worth
i was studying at X university
i didnt like my college
i didnt like my grades
eventhough i know that was wat i wanted to do
didnt go to the university i dreamt of
my grades weren't even enough
can't even be looked at
i'd say now. its not an accident i had that 3 years of sadness
it wasnt an accident i repeat
it was worth it
if wouldnt it be that 3 years
would i ever found out X university Christian Fellowship
my life changed ever since
its a turn around
i never thought i'd get what i want
God is a turn-around God
He changes things
He brings me out of drowning water
All Glory to God.
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